ADOR (born in 1985 - France) - Untitled, 2021 - Shoes & Box: Acrylic and spray paint

AITO KITAZAKI (born in 1989 - Japan) - Untitled, 2021 - Shoes : Acrylic paint & pencils - Box: spray paint & stencils

CREN (born in 1970 - Germany) - Untitled, 2021 - Shoes & box : Acrylic and spraypaint

DOTMASTER (born in 1972 - UK) - Untitled, 2021 - Shoes: Acrylic paint - Box : Acrylic & stencils

FANSAK (born in 1988 - China) - Untitled, 2021 - Shoes & box: Acrylic and brushes

MOMIES (born in 1976 - France) - Untitled, 2021 - Shoes & Box: Acrylic and spray paint

NEBAY (born in 1972 - France) - Untitled, 2021 - Shoes & Box: Spray paint

OTTO SCHADE (born in 1971 - Chile) - Untitled, 2021 - Shoes: Acrylic markers - Box: Acrylic paint & stencils

THIRSTY BSTRD (born in 1987 - France) - Untitled, 2021 - Shoes: acrylic marker - Box: Spraypaint & stencil